Love which matters

Being a girl feel special to me as there are a lot of privileges like everyone care about me. Also, boys pay extra attention and behave nicely with me. Although there are some evils in the society which is dangerous for females but yeah I hope that things would become good with the coming era. Today I would like to give some boys who really want to understand girls, an expert advice on how really a girl feels about a boy who approaches her. First of all every girl has its own meaning of the notions when a boy approaches her. Some girls are mature to understand that a girl and a boy can be friends and they have a special space in the name of friends for such boys and they are also mature enough to understand that these friends are different from their boy which they will choose from their life so they know how to draw a line in getting close with such friends. Some girls who do not have a goof experience with boys think that whenever a boy approaches a girl it is just because he likes her and want to propose her which is entirely wrong according to me. Third category of girls are who first understands that yeah she can have male friends but none of them will be her boyfriend but soon they start liking some of her friend and get in relationship with her but soon she gets to know that they both really not love each other and they broke up. This leads to complications so at first if you want to understand a girl just try to categorize her in one of the above category.

Then if you really want to impress her by heart then believe me there is a golden rule which is applicable to all girl from dumb to smart and that is by honesty. Then think that if you are really capable for her or not and if you really think you are then start making her feel that you really care for her and I am very well sure that with time if you are able to prove her that you love her a lot and would keep her happy forever she would definitely think about you and one day she will say yes. All this seems to be very lengthy process but it is not believe me you can do this in may be a couple of weeks or even a month too.

“I’m blogging about the kasams I want from my man this Women’s Day with the #SadaSexy activity at BlogAdda in association with Set Wet.”


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