Mother Love and Life

I would consider this time as the way to move forward in life and extend the family. It is no means of any burden but treat it is as a symbol of love. Many women try to avoid this phase of life and want to skip this phase and run out of it. They want to delay it till the end time and keep it simple. This can sometime give indications within the social circle and relatives about the relationship between husband and wife. You must make a plan and consider family planning very important to move ahead in life. Motherhood can also be like start of new life and can fulfil the empty gap in the family. Sometimes relationships become dull and boring and then regular routine can bring boredom and frustration too.

Pregnancy is kind of phase in my life when I had to start from the beginning and move forward taking all the restrictions and precautions till the baby birth and beyond. It is kind of hard regime too where woman have to show up their strength and do everything to ensure baby is healthy. I had to skip and eliminate so many things and even missed one of my close relative wedding too. I had to wear clothes which were not even close to my personality and attire. It was kind of living a different life with moments of happiness and stress at same time. With pregnancy I became strong and adjusted well after my mother and family came to live with me and my husband. I was given the primary importance and special attention in the family like a small kid. I was given treatment under modern facilities and prescription by doctors at regular intervals followed by medical check dups. would love to eat spicy snacks and lemon drinks. I would drink lot of water to stay hydrated and intake citrus fruits. Sometime I would go out with friends to eat Delhi famous chaat and other stuff irrespective of pregnancy and it would really make me happy. People often tell you to stay at home and take bed rest. But I think this is old fashioned trend and we must change this tradition and old cultural thinking. I had really good time in those months of pregnancy as I went to shopping and buying all kinds of stuff. I did suffer from skin problems and other common symptoms which happen in this period but taking precautions and following my mother helped to get rid of them and go through less pain.

“I’m writing about my wonderful journey of pregnancy for the #YummyMummy blogging activity at BlogAdda in association with Marico Bio Oil.”

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